Techniques to Stand Out in Accounting – Career Centre

Congratulations – you’ve chosen accounting as your major! Welcome to this diverse community of dedicated professionals. Once you enter the field, you might start to consider methods to establish yourself. How does one stand out in accounting? We’ve provided some tips based on our experience as young professionals working at Big 4 firms. Hopefully you will find these tips useful as you begin your career in accounting.

1. Build your Personal Brand

What is a personal brand? Well, in simple terms it is the perception and reputation of an individual. Ask yourself this: what do you want to be known for? Your personal brand will determine the way others see you and the opportunities that arise as a result. The power of storytelling is incredible to shaping your personal brand. As humans, we tend to forget many of our daily conversations but often remember the stories. Next time you’re talking to an employer, try to tell a story about your life and aspirations. The Telfer Career Centre ( offers extraordinary services that will help you with your personal development.

2. Attend Firm Events

Now that you’ve started thinking about your personal brand, it’s time to get out into the world. Employers hold many events throughout the year including office tours, social nights and summer conferences. They invest into these events to find the best and brightest students (hint: you)! Challenge yourself to meet at least one new person at each event. If you’re anxious about networking, just know that feeling is completely normal. The Telfer Career Centre hosts a ‘Let’s Talk Networking’ workshop which will equip you with all the tools necessary to feel confident at any event. Come out to the Telfer Accounting Club’s event, the CPA Speaker’s Panel, on March 11 to practice your networking!

Hopefully the tips we’ve provided here are useful in your career journey. Once you begin to build your personal brand and attend events, people will start to notice you. Here’s one guarantee – if you are still reading this blog, you are already standing out!